Tuesday 23 April 2013

Layout sketches for my magazine

I plan to use more picture to design my magazine so i don't have much illustration.

This magazine is more on vintage, girlish and cute style.
So the color will be soft color.

Monday 22 April 2013

Magazine cover trying

Choose a online picture and try the layout.

Using the none edit masthead.

Masthead that i will use for my magazine.

Thursday 18 April 2013


I have decided for my magazine,

I chose 'ROJAK' as my magazine masthead.
'ROJAK' is a Malay word, a traditional fruit and vegetable salad dish.
The term 'ROJAK' is mixture.
The reason why i used 'ROJAK' for my magazine masthead,
it is because i am going to introduce the cafe in Malaysia.
There's a lot of cafe in Malaysia.
Although some of the cafe are selling western food, 
but there are still cooked by Malaysian. :)

The masthead design i am trying: 

I'm trying with design the 'O'. I put the cafe name inside.

Use fork and spoon to make the 'O' special.

Try to circle the fork and spoon.

Trying with icon style.

And it's work!!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Assignment brief

So for this module,
we are going to choose any kind of magazine.

Such as,
Fashion Magazine, Travel Magazine, Art Magazine ...

And i chose Food Magazine.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Indesign Learning

Last few weeks,
we have learned about how to open a document,
how to place picture, how to adjust the bleed & slug and etc.

Here's the steps:

To Open a document
File > New > Document
for magazine, you can choose the pages like 8 / 16 / 24 / 32
And Bleed & Slug,
Lecturer recommended us to put 5mm for Bleed, 20mm for Slug.

* Bleed is outpace of A4.

To Place a Picture
File > Place > select the picture you want to use

To Save File 
File > Save As (Shift + Ctrl + S)
File > Package (Alt + Shift + Ctrl +P) > Package > Save

To View a Clearly Picture
Right click the picture > Display Performance > High Quality Display

Left hand side is the finished-work given by lecturer.
Right hand side is the one we created. 

Drop cap: Type > Paragraph (Alt + Ctrl + T)

Text Wrap: Window > Text Wrap (Alt + Crtl +W)