Sunday 8 September 2013

Movie Teaser Poster (Synopsis)

Love Latte

This is the story synopsis i have created for my Assignment 1 - Movie Teaser Poster.
It is dramatic and some romantic.

Love Latte is a story depicts Elsa and her family.  Elsa is a freelance photographer, she has a big dream. She loves latte so much, she wishes to open a coffee shop and travel around the world. This is a must in her to do list. Elsa and her parents are the greatest, sweetness, enviable family. Elsa's dad - James spend the dinner time with her wife - Agnes and daughter every night. They also spent most of their times together to travel every Sunday to a small town to taste the different varieties of coffee in the coffee shops.

Until one day, Elsa went out to get some inspiration for her photograph and she got hit by a car when she crossed the road. This accident caused her coma. Her parents feel sorrow because Elsa is their wonderful daughter who gave them lot of joys and fun. However, her parents still try hard to earn money for Elsa's medical fees. They look tired and restless.

Five years later, she regain consciousness, she lost her memory which caused her amnesia from childhood. She can't even remember her parents, friends or people she used to know. She is so scared to face every single thing in her life. She does not want to eat anything and cry every day. She had lost weight and always threw tantrum to her parents. She had totally changed to a difficult person. Her parents almost want to give up, but Elsa's childhood best friend, John gave a lot of support for them.

John knows that Elsa loves latte. So that he brings her to his coffee shop and make a latte for her. And she starts get back her memory little by little.

John gave her some advises and keeps gave encourage to her. He tried very hard to tell Elsa about everything that had happen in these five years. He showed all the photos that Elsa has taken before and proved that the parents who stayed with her currently were her biological parents. She eventually accepted the fact as who she is as well as her biological parents.

John teaches Elsa how to make coffee in his owned coffee shop. Elsa is very interested on it. They both getting chummy and become couple at last. Elsa knows that John is not so successful in this business. Unfortunately, there is a coffee art competition.  Elsa try to learn the coffee art herself and helps John to won the first prize.

Elsa decides that, she wants to record everything in her life by taking photos and notes down in every precious moment. She also helps John to decorate the coffee shop with the photos she took. The coffee shop is now becoming famous. Not only their coffee, but their story...

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